PvP Ofcra (French comunity) June 8th 2016 114 players

  • Hello,
    I'm Marez from comunication team, and we are currently preparing an event on our server, and we would like to invite you to play against us in a TvT at this day. I ve been talking to Alpha-Kilo from Gruppe Alder and they are intersted to join the event.

    Here are all the basic informations for the game. We are using arma 3.sync for our modset. As the Host of the mission we let you chose the side you want to play


    Mission Date: 08/06/2016
    RDV on TeamSpeak: 8.45pm
    Team Speak adress: ts.ofcra.org PW: mineisbiggerthanyours

    Arma 3.sync repo: Autoconfig: ftp://game.ofcra.org/master/.a3s/autoconfig
    Port: 21
    Login: Anonymous
    114 Players mission (57vs57)

    Required Addons:

    Russia has invaded Altis, to get a strategic position in the Mediterranean sea. Their goal is to keep a force on it, to control a part of the airspace
    in the sea. The NATO forces, watching the russia comming to close from there alies, decided to invade the island by the south. A QRF has been sent by russia to intercept

    the landing forces. War is about to begin on Altis.

    #Objectives and Points:
    -US Objectives:
    .7 points: Control of the Airfield
    .5 points: control of Selakano
    .-2 points per MBT Lost/+2 per MBT keeped.

    .-4 points for losing both IFV/+4 if both IFV are stil up

    -Russian Objectves:
    .7 points:Control of the Airfield
    .5 points: control of Selakano
    .-2 points per MBT Lost/+2 per MBT keeped.

    .-4 points for losing both IFV/+4 if both IFV are stil up

    For a total for each side of 19 possible points.

    If one camp dominate the other one and have 20 more troops than the other, this one will gain 7 points as a bonus.

    #Rules and advises:
    -Revive time: 2mins (max revive 1)
    -No respawn
    -No marker on the map (you will have a 20 mins time period in wich you will be able to put down your strategy and put markers on the map)
    -No ingame tchat
    -Mortar doesn't have artillery computer

    • The addon folder "@OFCRA" contains Laxeman's Sound, TF47-Launcher, ZedeBoc (LAV), some compatability stuff, ST Map gestures, and some other little things.
    • Rules: The points are awarded to the team which holds an objective when the game ends.
    • There are no civilians or other AI on the server, only human players.
    • Russians and Americans have slightly different loadouts, weapons and vehicles, which create advantages and disadvantages. Example: Only US have a mortar, but Rus have a BRDM which has less fire-power than the mortar, but it is mobile.
    • Rules: "No markers on the map" means that you can plan your strategy offline and share screenshots of the map etc. When the game starts you have 15 minutes to wait at the spawn point. You can use this time to place markers on the map. When the time is over you are allowed to leave the spawn area, no more markers can be placed on the map. If someone spots an enemy he will have communicate the position verbally. Reason is realism:

    I will put a link to give you more detailed informations.

    Hoping to see you soon :D

  • Hey Marez,

    This sounds quite interesting, but I have some issues/questions:

    • Quelle date est correcte, celle du titre? (Il y a une autre sous "Presentation")
    • Le mot de passe ne fonctionne pas. (Celui du CTCC)
    • Est-ce qui'il aura un JIP (Join in Progress)?
    • Est-ce que 114 n'est pas trop pour un seul serveur?
    • Combien de joueurs viendrons de l'OFCRA, et combien d'autres communautés?

    "Die Einheit Europas war ein Traum von wenigen. Sie wurde eine Hoffnung für viele. Sie ist heute eine Notwendigkeit für uns alle."
    - K. Adenauer -

  • Ok sorry I didn't update the link http://ofcrav2.org/briefing/index.php?id=160608 (psw: fireback)
    But to answer to your question :
    1) The correct date is the one on the title.
    2) JIP is allowed for player having issues with there connection
    3) 114 players is possible on our server, we did games with 100 without any problems
    4) About 20 probably more, but we invite team from french comunity to play along with us. We plane to give one side for the german comunity and the other to the french (of course, it s up to you, to chose your side)

  • Cool!

    Is there already a slotlist? It would be interesting to see how many players (and teams) have enlisted, and so on...

    I must check in my clan if there are members interested in this event. If yes we would join you and would be interested to play on the french side, with me managing communication as I speak both languages ;)

    "Die Einheit Europas war ein Traum von wenigen. Sie wurde eine Hoffnung für viele. Sie ist heute eine Notwendigkeit für uns alle."
    - K. Adenauer -

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Inta ()

  • That would be nice to play along with you on our side, but in our organisation for this pvp I don't think it s going to be possible because we ve got a lot of our friends team already comming. Maybe for a next event it would be possible :)
    We planed to make a german vs french event actually
    The slotlist is on the link I gave. :D

  • Oh ok. Well then I will check if we have members interested in playing on the german side.

    Yeah, but I meant a Liste where I can see which slots are already taken. And how many slots are occupied by the different clans participating. :)

    "Die Einheit Europas war ein Traum von wenigen. Sie wurde eine Hoffnung für viele. Sie ist heute eine Notwendigkeit für uns alle."
    - K. Adenauer -

  • The German Team is finally ready to take reservations. We have 57 slots in total. If more people want to play, we will create a reserve, so that there is still a chance to play if someone has to withdraw.

    Unit Leaders: You are welcome to reserve full squads for your unit if you have enough players.

    Freelancers: We don't have a dedicated squad for freelancers. Please reserve any vacant slot you can find but please understand that you may be asked to take another slot. In any case please be assured that you will get to play! Edit: BountyHuntA will accept freelancers in BMD 2 Squad 1. Please check with him first if you can join.

    Russian Platoon

    Platoon Leader
    Russian Officer .... [A] Reserved

    AT Hunter Squad
    Squad Leader....... [A] Reserved
    AT Specialist ....... [A] Reserved
    Medic................ [A] Reserved
    Crew................. [A] Reserved
    Crew................. [A] Reserved

    BMD 2 Squad 1
    Squad Leader........Reserved by BountyHuntA for SeL (Freelancers, please ask for slots in this squad!)
    Team Leader.........Reserved by BountyHuntA for SeL (Freelancers, please ask for slots in this squad!)
    MMG..................Reserved by BountyHuntA for SeL (Freelancers, please ask for slots in this squad!)
    AT Specialist........Reserved by BountyHuntA for SeL (Freelancers, please ask for slots in this squad!)
    Grenadier............Reserved by BountyHuntA for SeL (Freelancers, please ask for slots in this squad!)
    AT Assistant.........Reserved by BountyHuntA for SeL (Freelancers, please ask for slots in this squad!)
    Medic.................Reserved by BountyHuntA for SeL (Freelancers, please ask for slots in this squad!)
    Crew..................Reserved by BountyHuntA for SeL (Freelancers, please ask for slots in this squad!)
    Crew..................Reserved by BountyHuntA for SeL (Freelancers, please ask for slots in this squad!)

    BMD 2 Squad 2
    Squad Leader ......Reserved by Insane for 7. Kommando Kompanie
    Team Leader........Reserved by Insane for 7. Kommando Kompanie
    MMG..................Reserved by Insane for 7. Kommando Kompanie
    AT Specialist........Reserved by Insane for 7. Kommando Kompanie
    Grenadier...........Reserved by Insane for 7. Kommando Kompanie
    AT Assistant........Reserved by Insane for 7. Kommando Kompanie
    Medic............... Reserved by Insane for 7. Kommando Kompanie
    Crew................ Reserved by Insane for 7. Kommando Kompanie
    Crew................ Reserved by Insane for 7. Kommando Kompanie

    BTR 80 Squad 1
    Squad Leader ...... [A] Reserved
    Team Leader ........[A] Reserved
    MMG.................. [A] Reserved
    AT Specialist........ [A] Reserved
    Grenadier ...........[A] Reserved
    AT Assistant ........ [A] Reserved
    Medic ............... [A] Reserved
    Crew ................ [A] Reserved
    Crew ................ [A] Reserved

    BTR 80 Squad 2
    Squad Leader........Reserved by Fox for 6.RUS & friends
    Team Leader.........Reserved by Fox for 6.RUS & friends
    MMG..................Reserved by Fox for 6.RUS & friends
    AT Specialist........Reserved by Fox for 6.RUS & friends
    Grenadier............Reserved by Fox for 6.RUS & friends
    AT Assistant.........Reserved by Fox for 6.RUS & friends
    Medic.................Reserved by Fox for 6.RUS & friends
    Crew..................Reserved by Fox for 6.RUS & friends
    Crew..................Reserved by Fox for 6.RUS & friends

    Heavy Weapon Squad
    Squad Leader.......Reserved by Task Force 47 for TF47
    Team Leader........Reserved by Task Force 47 for TF47
    AT Specialist........Reserved by Task Force 47 for TF47
    AT Assistant.........Reserved by Task Force 47 for TF47
    MMG..................Reserved by Task Force 47 for TF47
    MMG Assistant......Reserved by Task Force 47 for TF47
    Grenadier...........Reserved by Task Force 47 for TF47
    Medic................Reserved by Task Force 47 for TF47
    Rifleman.............Reserved by Task Force 47 for TF47

    Vehicle Officer..... Reserved by Inta for Ordo Panthera
    Crew................. Reserved by Inta for Ordo Panthera
    Crew................. Reserved by Inta for Ordo Panthera

    Vehicle Officer......Reserved by Fox for TFN
    Crew..................Reserved by Fox for TFN
    Crew..................Reserved by Fox for TFN

  • Ich reservier schon mal nen 2S25. Mal kuken wieviel Leute von uns dabei sind ;)

    "Die Einheit Europas war ein Traum von wenigen. Sie wurde eine Hoffnung für viele. Sie ist heute eine Notwendigkeit für uns alle."
    - K. Adenauer -

  • 7. Kommando Kompanie would like to reserve 9 Slots for "BMD 2 Squad 2"

  • Hier ein paar Fragen aus unserem Forum zum Spiel:

    • Will there be a server for test-connects and since when?
    • Also since we plan to "steal" one PLT assistant from one of the other squads to support leading: Who has LR radios? Only SQL or TL too? Any way to get one more LR?
    • What will be the ingame time?
    • In your experience is there a chance to play the mission 2times on one evening or is it more full-evening for one session
    • Someone mentioned boats, will there be boats and if so, what kind of/how many?
    • Whats the red square in the map, is it allowed to be entered?
    • Whens the game over? Is there a time limit or just "when all are dead"
    • Are the radios encrypted? (I wont understand you anyway, but maybe we have educated people amongst ourselves )
    • Is there any restriction to go on the map?

    Und hier die Antworten von Marez:


    • Yes it will be openned 3 days before the event
    • Only Squad Leader have LR radios, if you need I can give you a LR in the command vehicule.
    • At the morning 5.30 am
    • It s going to be a full evenning session, but if you are interested we could play it again later but on the oposite side
    • No boats at all, but you ve got amphibious vehicules.
    • You are not allowed to go on the red square or further to the right.
    • There is a time limit, but if every one is dead we re going to stop the mission.
    • Yes they are, but you can steal an enemy radio.
      9)No restriction, but you are not allowed to put markers when the mission has started, you re going to have 15 mins before to put your strategy down and put your markers on the map.