Project Awesome: Operation Kingpin (Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2016, 21:00 - 23:30)

  • Kurzinfos zum Operation Kingpin Event :

    Termin: Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2016 , 21:00 Uhr deutscher Zeit (19:00 Uhr in der UTC Zeitzone, aktuelle Umrechnung ist +2 Stunden wegen Sommerzeit)

    Es handelt sich um ein englischsprachiges Event der Project Awesome Community, offen für alle Arma 3 Spieler, die einen Account im reddit Forum haben.

    Detaillierte Infos und Anmeldung mit Slottung im Event-Thread im subreddit von Project Awesome :…_thursday_july_21th_1900/

    Teilnahme-Voraussetzungen: reddit-Account, Arma 3, Teamspeak 3, Headset mit Mikrophon, grundlegende Englischkenntnisse, Umgang mit Grundfunktionen der ACE und TFAR Mods, Installation des Project Awesome Modsets mit Hilfe des hauseigenen Slick Updater Programms (macht alle Mod-Updates automatisch, zeigt die Uhrzeit in Zeitzone des Events an und verbindet auf den Server)

    Kurzinfo zur Mission :

    WARNING: This mission requires the APEX DLC as it will make use of the Tanoa map and related assets.

    Where? PA Arma 3 Server
    When? 19:00 UTC It's also on Slick updater upper left.
    Join the steam group!
    What mods? Slickupdater
    When should I update the mods? As soon as you can, PM me with issues.
    Want more info? LINK to our wiki
    If you have any issues with any of them, or anything really. Do not hesitate to contact me or any helpers on teamspeak. Reddit PM is the easiest way to get a hold of me.

    inspired by real events, see Operation Ivory Coast
    North Vietnam, Son Tay Province, 1970.
    Gentlemen, we are going to rescue American prisoners of war in North Vietnam!
    We will depart from the USS Valley Forge,and inserted by helicopter at night in the heart of enemy territory.
    Our AO is on the North Vietnamese coastline, only 35 miles from Hanoi.
    Air Recon
    AO MAP
    There are two objectives:
    Camp Hope
    Camp Faith


    Helicopters used in this operation are the twin Huey, using the RHS UH1-Y Venom, if you want to be pilot you NEED TO TRAIN WITH THIS CHOPPER in solo before the mission as the flight mechanics is tricky!
    Pilots will play an essential role in the mission, for this reason only select this role if you are an experienced flyer and confident you can land your passengers safetly. Main duties expected from chopper role:

    • Inserting/Extracting troops in and out of objectives
    • Extracting Prisoners of War back to the USS Valley Forge
    • Medevac wounded/unconscious troops back to the USS Valley Forge
    • Pilot and crewchief are the only players able to revive the wounded with epinephrine
    • Close Air Support (rocket pods) and minigun for the crewchief

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